Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Walmart photo book information

There is an email set up for our family. 
An account is also set up through walmart.com so we can upload reunion pictures to our family account and order a digital photo book that will be made at the end of the reunion.
We have sent out specific account information to your personal email address.

To get you started, here are some easy steps to get you to the order page:
1. follow this link-  Walmart Digital Photo Center   
2. Click on the "My Projects" tab near the top
3. sign in with the account information we sent you
4. click on the saved photo book and follow promptings as follows:
3. edit
4. order
5. save changes-yes
6. proceed to checkout
7. site to store or home delivery, if you do site to store make sure you change the store to one near you.
8. continue
9. change your pick up person to yourself with your number
10. then pay with credit card, preferably your own ;)

If you didn't receive the account information, forgot it, or need any other help, call 208-659-4711 or email me at angienicolay@gmail.com

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